




I'm using Disqus external comment system with Wordpress (as a WP plugin) and I'm trying to customize it with my custom CSS.

Everything works great, but I have problems with replacing the default text color in the form textarea.

I tried it with:

#dsq-content .dsq-textarea .dsq-textarea-wrapper, #dsq-content .dsq-input-wrapper { color: red !important }

but I was not successful, even when I targetet just "textarea" it not worked.

It seems that javascript is playing together because there are 2 events: when the textarea is focused and blurred. When there is a "blur" then .placeholder-grey CSS class is added to the textarea, but targeting that with CSS not worked as well.

Disqus has very poor documentation, so I figured out all this with code inspection.

Any ideas would be really appreciated.

P.S. I don't have a working example online, you can see it on any blog/website where Disqus is used, for example on their own blog at:


The site you link to has a css style block just before the textarea, if you edit this to add color: #f90; it'll change the color from the usual black to orange (in this example). Presumably you could also add this in the head of the document instead.

If you use something like Chrome's developer tools or, I imagine, Firebug for Firefox you can edit the html/css in place to see the effect live (although it won't persist) to see what changes you can, or need to, make.

David Thomas