I'm building a generic xml repository that uses a datacontractserializer to serialize/deserialize the files and I'm unsure as how to ensure that the files cannot be altered when they are being read.
My code to read all files is like this:
public IQueryable<T> All<T>() where T : class, new()
List<T> instances = new List<T>();
DirectoryInfo datadirectory = new DirectoryInfo(this.storageLocation);
if (datadirectory.Exists)
foreach (FileInfo datafile in datadirectory.GetFiles("*.xml", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
lock (this.syncRoot)
return instances.AsQueryable();
Where converter is the serializer and syncRoot is a private object.
What I am unsure of is where to put the lock? Should it be as above or should I be wrapping the DirectoryInfo read?
I'd like to be able to parallelize the reading process using parallel.foreach but early experiments wrapping the DirectoryInfo led to exceptions.
Threading is a bit of a mystery to me so any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.