Don't know about you, but as a user i wouldn't want the page to post back every time a checkbox item was checked.
This is the solution i would go with (jQuery):
Declare a server-side hidden field on your form:
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" EnableViewState="true" />
Then wire up client-side event handlers for the checkboxes to store checkbox clicked:
$('.someclassforyourcheckboxes').click(function() {
This is a lightweight mechanism for storing the ID of the "latest" checkbox clicked. And you won't have to set autopostback=true for the checkboxes and do an unecessary postback.
You dont HAVE to use jQuery - you can use regular Javascript, but, why do more work? =)
Then when you actually do the postback (on a submit button click i assume), just check the value of the hidden field.
Unless of course you WANT to postback on every checkbox click, but i can't envision a scenario in which you'd want this (maybe you're using UpdatePanel).
The HTML of a checkbox list looks like this:
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="Bike" /> I have a bike
So, you can access three things:
Vehicle = $(this).attr('name');
Bike = $(this).attr('value');
I have a bike = $(this).html();
If you're trying to access the databound value, try the second technique.
Give that a try.