




I am using a TTStyledTextLabel in my project to parse the hyperlinks, it all works fine. The only problem I am facing is to truncate a long text - show ellipses if the text does not fit in the bounds of TTStyledTextLabel.

In other terms, I need the same behavior as a UILabel which adds ellipses to indicate that some text is clipped. I have searched in TTStyledTextLabel and TTStyledText classes, there is no provision to achieve this. The following is the code which I have used in my UITableViewCell subclass to set the frame of TTStyledTextLabel appropriately:

-(void) layoutSubviews
    [super layoutSubviews];
    CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(self.contentView.frame.size.width -TEXT_OFFSET_WIDTH, TT_TEXT_MAX_HEIGHT);
    [[[self textLabelTTStyled] text] setWidth:maxSize.width];
    [[self textLabelTTStyled] sizeToFit];
    double heigthForTTLabel = [[[self textLabelTTStyled] text] height];
    if (heigthForTTLabel > maxSize.height)
        heigthForTTLabel = maxSize.height;  // Do not exceed the maximum height for the TTStyledTextLabel.
**// The Text was supposed to clip here when maximum height is set!**
    CGSize mTempSize = CGSizeMake([[[self textLabelTTStyled] text] width], heigthForTTLabel);
    CGRect frame = CGRectMake(TEXT_OFFSET_X,TEXT_OFFSET_Y,mTempSize.width, mTempSize.height);
    self.textLabelTTStyled.frame = frame;

And in the -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: I am setting text like this to my TTStyledTextLabel:

    TTStyledText *styledStatusMessage = [TTStyledText textFromXHTML:@"This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on? This is a really long text, how long can this go on?"
lineBreaks:YES URLs:YES];
    if (nil==styledStatusMessage)
        styledStatusMessage = [TTStyledText textWithURLs:[statusMessage title] lineBreaks:YES];
    [[cell textLabelTTStyled] setText:styledStatusMessage];

The excessive text is simply being discarded, the ellipses are not added by default to indicate that text is clipped. Any solutions to this problem?

Thanks, Raj


Any resolution on this one?

No Sam, we have released the product with this bug in it!