I am loading a big treeview in a seperate thread. This thread starts at the load event of a form.
All goes well, until an error occurs in the load event. When an error occurs I close the form and the thread that loads my treeview must be aborted. But I don't know how to do this.
The problem is, that the form is closed and the thread is still working, so I get an InvalidOperationException
. The program breaks down and this part of the thread is highlighted:
The treeview on my form is called tvQuestionnaire
. The whole function (which is called in my background worker) looks like this:
private void SetTreeviewData()
// Get all categories
List<Category> categories = _questionnaire.GetCategoriesFromQuestionnaire();
// Get all questions which are retrieved by the question manager
OrderedDictionary all_ordered_questions = _questionManager.AllQuestions;
// Store all the questions in a List<T>
List<Question> all_questions = new List<Question>();
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in all_ordered_questions)
Question q = de.Value as Question;
foreach (Category category in categories)
// Create category node
TreeNode catNode = new TreeNode();
catNode.Text = category.Description;
catNode.Tag = category;
catNode.Name = category.Id.ToString();
// Get all questions which belongs to the category
List<Question> questions = all_questions.FindAll(q => q.CategoryId == category.Id);
// Default set the font to bold (Windows issue)
Font font = new Font(tvQuestionnaire.Font, FontStyle.Regular);
foreach (Question question in questions)
// Create question node
TreeNode queNode = new TreeNode();
queNode.Text = question.Question;
queNode.Tag = question;
queNode.Name = "Q" + question.Id;
queNode.NodeFont = font;
// Determine which treenode icon to show
SetTreeNodeIcon(ref queNode, question);
// Add node to category node
if (_closing)
// Add category node to treeview
// Now the category (and thus the questions) are added to treeview
// Set questions treenode icon
// Set each category under its parent
for (int i = tvQuestionnaire.Nodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Category category = tvQuestionnaire.Nodes[i].Tag as Category;
TreeNode node = tvQuestionnaire.Nodes[i];
if (IsWindow(this.Handle.ToInt32()) == 0)
if (category.ParentId == null)
// Find parent node
TreeNode[] parentNodes = tvQuestionnaire.Nodes.Find(category.ParentId.ToString(), true);
//Remove current node from treeview
parentNodes[0].Nodes.Insert(0, node);
This is the only method that my background worker calls.
So my question is, how can I prevent that the Exception occurs? How do I check the form where the treeview is on, is still 'alive'?