+1  A: 

You need the tel protocol. This will launch the native phone dialer. Use it as

<a href="tel:555-123-4567">

More on Wikipedia and the RFCs: 2806 and 3966

Matt Lacey
Thanks for your reply,it is exactly what I want. and just for curiousity,how do you know this? I have googled for a long time,but found nothing.
@DiveInto I've been doing mobile web stuff for a long time. That's how I know.
Matt Lacey
@Matt Lacey a new problem,in android I used webview to load my website ,and in this webview when I click the tel link:<a href="tel:555-123-4567">,it doesn't operate as the default browser,instead it simply shows 'no page can be found', you know how to set the webview to make it work as the default browser does ? (hope you develop on android ^_^)
@DiveInto I don't develop for Android but it looks like you need to override `shouldOverrideUrlLoading()` http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/ddc289d7701f944e
Matt Lacey
@Matt Lacey Thank you,you are right !

Wouldnt this represent a MAJOR security hole?

i.e. craft a URL that forces the phone to dial a premium rate number that I own....

I also doubt about that,but in this case,it will just open the telephone app and won't make the call until the user decide to,so I think it is OK.
Yes, @DiveInto is correct. I am not aware of any platform which actually starts the call this way. Rather it opens the app with the numer prepopulated so it's a single click to start the call. Most browsers will also prevent urls to protocols such as this from being launched programatically.
Matt Lacey