



Hi all,

I have a MOSS 2007 Enterprise production server, that i would like to migrate to SharePoint 2010. I chose the database attach upgrade method, but when i try to attach the MOSS 2007 content databases to a fresh SharePoint 2010 install, it gives me some errors. These errors are that the fresh SP install can not locate some folders "fr-fr" and "ro-ro". On the production server i had installed a long time ago some language packs (it was a test server which became the production), and there were some left overs in the publishing site collection of the web application. Those folders are named "fr-fr" and "ro-ro", and they were in _catalogs and Style Library document lists. I removed the folders, but when I looked in the content database, AllDocs table, they were still present, with the DeleteTransactionId column not empty (which means that there was a transaction to delete those records, but somehow it was rolled back). Can you tell me how to clear the content database, of those records, without a direct update of the content database?

Regards, Voicu Seiche.