




Hi, I'm using CMake and I want to try and make it so I have a subdirectory for it rather than files scattered through my project or the root of it.

I have a directory layout of 'project/cmake/CMakeLists.txt' and 'project/bin' and 'project/source', so people can easily remove the CMake stuff if they want to. My only problem is that there probably is a way to do this that I don't know of. Currently it generates a bunch of rubbish including a 'project/cmake/bin/obtap.dir/home/jookia/Programming/obtap/source' folder.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(obtap) add_definitions(-g -Wall) add_executable(../bin/obtap ../source/main.cpp)

It compiles fine, it outputs the right directories. But my problems are this: Is there a way to remove project/cmake/bin directory and optionally, is there a way to not have all the CMake stuff and instead just generate a makefile so I have two files, CMakeLists.txt and Makefile?

+1  A: 

As specified in the CMake FAQ, the generated Makefiles contains full path to libraries and source code, so there is no easy way to distribute a build tree generated by CMake.
