You have a bit of a design problem. You have an assembly (let's call it assembly A) containing the sample reflection code that you posted. You also have a second assembly (let's call it assembly B) that contains MyClass and Test.
The issue is that in your reflection code you are attempting to create an instance of the Test class so that you can pass it as a parameter to MyClass.MyFunction.
You mentioned that you copied the source code for the Test class into assembly A; that will not work. What you've done there is essentially create two different classes with the same name and same structure. Since the two classes are not the same as far as the CLR is concerned, you will get an invalid cast exception if you try to cast one to the other.
Given what you've posted so far, it seems to me that the most straightforward solution for your approach is to have a third assembly (let's call it assembly C) that contains components that are known to both assemblies A and B. Create a class library project in your solution, move the Test class into that project, get rid of any other occurrences of the Test class in the first two projects, and add references in both of the first two projects referencing the new project. Once you've done that, both assembly A and assembly B will be referencing the same class definition for the Test class and the sample code that you've posted will work.
Let me point out something, though. If the code in assembly A doesn't know enough about the code in assembly B in order to instantiate MyClass and call MyFunction directly (rather than through reflection), then how does it know enough about that code to know what parameters to pass? Does MyFunction have a common method signature that assembly A understands? If that's the case, then MyClass should probably implement an interface that assembly A knows about so that assembly A can invoke MyFunction directly, as shown below:
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("MyProject.Components");
Type dllType = assembly.GetType("MynameSpace.MyClass");
if (dllType != null)
IMyInterface instance = Activator.CreateInstance(dllType) as IMyInterface;
if (instance != null) // check if this object actually implements the IMyInterface interface
If that doesn't seem like an approach that you want, then there are other options. Since it seems like you don't want for assembly A to have a direct reference to assembly B, if you keep the Test class inside of assembly B, then there isn't any way for assembly A to have any knowledge of the Test class in order to construct one. In that case, you could use a factory pattern approach, basically so that assembly A knows of some kind of factory object that is capable of instantiating a Test object. Below is an example of an implementation:
I mentioned above about creating a third project. I would still recommend doing so. In my example, I've named mine "MyProject.Common". It contains the following code:
// define a simple factory interface
public interface IFactory
object CreateInstance();
// and a generic one (hey, why not?)
public interface IFactory<T> : IFactory
new T CreateInstance();
// define a Factory attribute that will be used to identify the concrete implementation of a factory
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class FactoryAttribute : Attribute
public Type FactoryType { get; set; }
public FactoryAttribute(Type factoryType)
this.FactoryType = factoryType;
The IFactory interfaces and the Factory attribute will be known and understood by the other projects in my solution, since they both reference the MyProject.Common project.
Below is the code contained within my "MyProject.Components" project:
public class Test
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public Test(string name, string type)
this.Name = name;
this.Type = type;
public class TestFactory : IFactory<Test>
#region IFactory<Test> Members
public Test CreateInstance()
return new Test("name", "type");
#region IFactory Members
object IFactory.CreateInstance()
return this.CreateInstance();
public class MyClass
// the Factory attribute on the first parameter indicates that the class TestFactory
// should be used as a factory object to construct the argument for this method
public string MyFunction([Factory(typeof(TestFactory))]Test obj)
if (obj == null)
return null;
return obj.ToString();
Finally, I've replaced the original reflection code that you posted with the following:
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("MyProject.Components");
Type dllType = assembly.GetType("MynameSpace.MyClass");
if (dllType != null)
MethodInfo m = dllType.GetMethod("MyFunction");
object objdll;
objdll = Activator.CreateInstance(dllType);
// use the parameter information to construct the arguments
ParameterInfo[] parameters = m.GetParameters();
object[] args;
if (parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0)
args = new object[parameters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
// check for factory attributes on the actual parameter
FactoryAttribute[] attributes = parameters[i].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FactoryAttribute), true) as FactoryAttribute[];
// if no attributes were found, check the parameter type for factory attributes
if (attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0)
attributes = parameters[i].ParameterType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FactoryAttribute), true) as FactoryAttribute[];
// if no attributes were found still, then give up
if (attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0)
// this parameter has no factory specified,
// so how would this code know how to create the argument for that parameter ???
args[i] = null;
continue; // move on to the next parameter
// there should only be one factory attribute, so use the first one
// assumption made here is that all factory classes will have a parameterless constructor
IFactory factory = Activator.CreateInstance(attributes[0].FactoryType) as IFactory;
args[i] = factory.CreateInstance();
// there are no parameters
args = null;
if ((m != null))
strReturnValue += (string)m.Invoke(objdll, args);