I would like to be able to access the value of an object property to any depth having only the string-key of the property. Also, if possible, using collection indexing on List properties. So, If I have the string "Person.Surname" then I could get the value "Smith" from and instanciated CaseConductor object. So given some setup code like this ...
//- Load a caseConductor
var caseConductor = new CaseConductor();
caseConductor.CaseID = "A00001";
// person
caseConductor.Person = new Person();
caseConductor.Person.Surname = "Smith" ;
caseConductor.Person.DOB = DateTime.Now ;
// case note list
caseConductor.CaseNoteList = new List<Note>();
caseConductor.CaseNoteList.Add(new Note { NoteText = "A-1" , NoteDt = DateTime.Now });
caseConductor.CaseNoteList.Add(new Note { NoteText = "B-2", NoteDt = DateTime.Now });
// I could do this ...
object val = caseConductor.SomeCleverFunction("Person.Surname");
// or this ...
object val = caseConductor.SomeCleverFunction("CaseNoteList[0].NoteText");
Has anyone done this before ? Here are some setup classes ...
class Note
public Guid NoteID { get; set; }
public string NoteText { get; set; }
public DateTime? NoteDt { get; set; }
public class Person
public Guid PersonID { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public string Forename { get; set; }
public DateTime? DOB { get; set; }
class CaseConductor
public String CaseID{get;set;}
public Person Person { get; set; }
public List<Note> CaseNoteList { get; set; }
Our use case is to iterate over a series of appropriately named content controls in a word dcoument template using open xml sdk 2, and poke values into a newly created word documents, something like this ...
List<SdtElement> ccList = wordprocessingDocument.MainDocumentPart.Document.Descendants<SdtElement>().ToList();
foreach (var cc in ccList)
string alias = cc.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild<SdtAlias>().Val.Value;
switch (cc.GetType().Name)
case "SdtRun":
SdtRun thisRun = (SdtRun)cc;
//thisRun.Descendants<Text>().First().Text = theValueToBePoked ;