




I have multi databases with same structure its name like that "Client1234" the different in numbers beside "client" i have table called "Transactions" inside each database and i want to run query to get count all raws in "transactions" table in all databases.

also when i select database i need to check it has the client word and it has numbers beside the word.


If the name and number of the databases you wish to query is not known beforehand then you can only do this by using a dynamic query. You'll need to generate a script like

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Client1.dbo.Transactions
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Client2.dbo.Transactions

Of course you need to have your appropriate permissions in place for each database.

+3  A: 

Try to use sp_msforeachdb stored procedure like so:

create table #temp ([rows] int, [client] varchar(100))
exec sp_msforeachdb '
if ''?'' like ''Client%'' and exists(select * from ?.sys.tables t where t.name = ''Transactions'')
insert into #temp select count(*), ''?'' from ?..Transactions
select * from #temp 
drop table #temp
Denis Valeev
+1  A: 

You can use dynamic SQL to create these queries:

select 'select count(*) from ' + name + '.dbo.transactions'
from master..sysdatabases
where name like 'Client%'
 and isnumeric(substring(name,6,1))

This would return a result set with each row being a SQL query to count a specific database. It could be consumed by a programming language, used as a cursor, etc.. If you provide more detail I may be able to provide a better example.

What if some of those databases don't have this Transactions table?
Denis Valeev
yes please provide more details.
Amr Elnashar