



I have multiple SSIS integration packages logging to a database. They all write to the table sysssislog.

I want a stored procedure to be able to return the success of the last run of a selected package.

How do I identify a package in sysssislog? The executionid field would seem to work, but it seems like it's changing values on mosts runs of the same package (sometimes it stays the same). Is there some way to know which package a log entry is coming from?

Structure of sysssislog for reference:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sysssislog](
    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [event] [sysname] NOT NULL,
    [computer] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
    [operator] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
    [source] [nvarchar](1024) NOT NULL,
    [sourceid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [executionid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    [starttime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [endtime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [datacode] [int] NOT NULL,
    [databytes] [image] NULL,
    [message] [nvarchar](2048) NOT NULL,

Take a look if this helps you, from Books On Line

source nvarchar

The name of the executable, in the package, that generated the logging entry.

sourceid uniqueidentifier

The GUID of the executable in the package that generated the logging entry.

source has the name of tasks run inside the package, so it doesn't seem like it would work for me. Different packages could contain tasks with the same name, or task names inside packages could be changed.

Here's a nice view candidate to take a look at the history of execution of all the packages in your SSIS, you can also see how long a package was running in minutes:

 source [PackageName], s.executionid
, min(s.starttime) StartTime
, max(s.endtime) EndTime
, (cast(max(s.endtime) as float) - cast(min(s.starttime) as float))*24*60 DurationInMinutes
from dbo.sysssislog as s
where event in ('PackageStart', 'PackageEnd')
--and source = 'foobar'
group by s.source, s.executionid
order by max(s.endtime) desc
Denis Valeev
Thanks, but source seems to refer to things inside my package, not the package name itself.
Also when the package errors I don't get packagestart or end events.

Source ID column where the event is "Package Start" identifies the package Name. The Execution ID ties in all of the related rows for that instance of your package run.

Source ID can be tied back to your development of your package by opening your package and looking at the ID field in your package level properties. This GUID matches your package level source ID column in the log. Each object in your package will also have its own GUID and these can be seen in the log.

William Todd Salzman
I'm not seeing that. Source contains the tasks inside the package. Also there is no package start when my package errors.
If you are logging, the first entry you get sent to sp_ssis_addlogentry always has an event of 'Package Start' Try running the package in BIDS and view the Log Events window to see if you have logging enabled properly. For all of these to work, Logging must be enabled.
William Todd Salzman
I do get package start but not when I hit certain errors such as a file not existing.
I have noticed that logging is sometimes flaky if you have objects under the package object with logging set to "enabled". I usually set up logging so that the pakcage has logging "enabled" and all others under have "use parent setting" set. (In the logging screen, a solid check in the checkbox is "enabled", a gray check is "use parent setting" and an empty checkbox is "disabled".)
William Todd Salzman