I have the following SQL:
select o.tekst as Enhet,
coalesce(f.Antall,0) as AntallF,
coalesce(f.snitt,0) as SnittF,
coalesce(b.antall,0) as AntallB
from tblhandlingsplan hp
inner join tblorg o on hp.eierorgid = o.orgid
left outer join (select f.handlingsplanid, count(t.tiltakid) as Antall, coalesce(avg(convert(float,t.status)),0) as Snitt from tblhandlingsplanforbedring f left outer join tblhandlingsplantiltak t on f.forbedringsid = t.forbedringsid group by f.handlingsplanid) f on hp.handlingsplanid = f.handlingsplanid
left outer join (select b.handlingsplanid, count(b.bevaringsid) as Antall from tblhandlingsplanbevaring b group by b.handlingsplanid) b on hp.handlingsplanid = b.handlingsplanid
where utsendingsid = 1
Which works exactly how I want it... Now I'm trying to convert this to LINQ...
I have gotten this far
from h in TblHandlingsplans
join o in TblOrgs
on h.EierOrgID equals o.OrgID
join f in TblHandlingsplanForbedrings
on h.HandlingsplanID equals f.HandlingsplanID into f2
join b in TblHandlingsplanBevarings
on h.HandlingsplanID equals b.HandlingsplanID into b2
where h.UtsendingsID == 1
select new {
Enhet = o.Tekst,
AntallF = f2.Count(),
AntallB = b2.Count()
however now I'm stuck... I can't for the life of me figure out how to include the average part from the SQL solution... Any takers?
I'm thinking of shoving the whole thing into a SP and leave it with that...