I have two MySQL servers configured in a Master-Slave relationship.
Master -> my.cnf:
log-bin = /var/log/mysql/binary.log // There are write permissions here.
binlog_do_db= foo,bar
Slave -> my.cnf:
server-id = 1283706035
master-host = {master internal IP}
master-port = 3306
master-user = {master slave user}
master-password = {master slave user password}
However, although MySQL reports that replication is up and running, that is:
- "show master status;" gives a valid position and file
- "show slave status\G" reports that Slave_IO_Running and Slave_SQL_Running are both "Yes".
- The slave is shown in the list of connected slaves, as viewed from the master.
Replication doesn't work. Whenever a change is made, the master file log position doesn't change. It stays at the starting size of 106 (bytes?).
Anybody have any idea what I'm missing?