




I have a custom module with a backend page. In the grid, I show the customer email as the user name. By default, Magento adds a filter to every column in the grid. Now, when I try to filter by the customer's email, I get an exception saying that my custom table doesn't have an email column. Magento is trying to find that in my custom table. How can I fix this problem, or how can I remove the field of that column so that the admin can filter by that field. Thanks.


I guess you meant "how can I remove the field of that column so that the admin can ' t filter by that field"

If so, I can tell you how to remove the email field.

Open /app/code/local/Namespace/Module/Block/Adminthml/Module/Grid.php

Somewhere in the protected function _prepareColumns() you should find something like :

  $this->addColumn('email', array(
      'header'    => Mage::helper('module')->__('Email'),
      'align'     =>'left',
      'index'     => 'email',

Just comment this lines.

And watch out that, in the __construct method at the very beginning of the whole class, you don't have


If so, change it to

$this->setDefaultSort('id'); // if you have an id field in your module.
ok, i want to show the column, but remove the field in the top of the column, how can i do that?
if i do that, i remove the column, i don't want to remove the column, just the field in the top of it, that is used to filter
+1  A: 

$this->addColumn('email', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('module')->__('Email'), 'align' =>'left', 'index' => 'email', 'filter' => false, ));
