What is a good C/C++ CSS parser? All that I can find is CSSTidy, and it seems to be more of an application than a parsing library.
I googled for:
"CSS Parser" C++
The first result is http://sourceforge.net/projects/htmlcxx. It's a CSS/HTML API for C++.
2008-12-14 01:40:00
A pretty good bet would be to read through the Mozilla or Safari code-base. If you need something a little more accessible for another program, there's an ANTLR grammar (which you can use to create C++ code) at http://antlr.org/grammar/1214945003224/csst3.g. The W3 validator is located at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/css-validator/, but it is Java.
2008-12-16 07:37:19