I'm trying the following command on my shell:
curl -b usptoCookies -L -d "patentNum=6836866&applicationNum=10007391&maintFeeAction=Get+Bibliographic+Data&maintFeeYear=04" https://ramps.uspto.gov/eram/getMaintFeesInfo.do;jsessionid=0000Nmdd1Q_YsDF90HKmb9EIIgq:11g0uehq7
Pretty straighforward. It is attempting to post a few variables to a form. You can see the web page here: https://ramps.uspto.gov/eram/
Try putting in the patent number and application number as: 6836866 and 10007391. Then hit the Get Bibliographic Data button.
The web page returns stuff (a "neatly" formatted table), but the curl call seems to experience "some" problem. I am at a loss. I've used firebug on the browser to confirm that the three vars above are all that are required to complete the form post.
It is not a problem with https, because i do get a response back. I need help.
Shaheeb Roshan