



I am looking at implementing search functionality on our websites with the Google Site Search API.

I need to be able to create advanced search options via a dropdown or checkbox list that would limit the search results to certain section of our website.

Based on what I have read here it looks like this would only be possible if using Structured Data that would be included in XML the search results. I was hoping that results returned by the API could be filtered by meta data, similarly to the setup we had on our Google Mini appliance.

If this is truly the only method of creating custom search options, GSS would have to return the full results set in XML that would then need to be filtered based on the Structured Data.

Does Google Site Search return the Full XML results set or is paginated? Can Google Site Search filter results based on custom Structured data? Is there another way of creating advanced search functions using this API?

Oddly enough I have not encountered anyone else trying to implement an advanced search with Google Site Search.