What is the best way of doing a pagination? I would also need to save the current page, so that when I click a link it would save the page I was on. So if I'm on page 2 of the pagination and click one link and then get back to pagination page it would remember that I was on page 2.
I get the results/data from Json request where I have offset and limit possibility.
$.getJSON(base_url+'/ajax/get_news/4/!OFFSET!/!LIMIT!/true', func...
Where !LIMIT! is how many results it shows and !OFFSET! is, well offset :D When I click a link, it makes that request, it goes throught the results and appends the result into page.
What is best way to save the page, cookies? Should I get all the results and then do the pagination somehow or do new request when user change page?
Some tutorial or "hands on" example would be awesome. Normal instructions/guides are difficult to undestand since my first language isn't english.