I am implementing a "Save As Copy" function for a small web app that uses MySQL.
Let's say I have three tables, like so...
TABLE DocAttributes
DocID -> Doc(ID)
TABLE DocSubAttributes
DocAttrID -> DocAttributes(ID)
What we have here is a situation where a single Document can have multiple DocAttributes, and each DocAttribute can in turn have multiple SubAttributes.
Now, if I did not have to worry about the DocSubAttributes table, this would be fairly straightforward, and I would do something like this...
$insertID = INSERT INTO Doc (title, text) SELECT title, text FROM Doc WHERE ID = $docID;
INSERT INTO DocAttributes DocID, title, text SELECT $insertID AS DocID, title, text FROM Doc WHERE ID = $docID;
However, because there is a third one-to-many table, this method doesn't work. I need to know the primary keys for each DocAttributes row for creating the corresponding rows in DocSubAttributes.
The only way I am aware of to do this is to iterate through DocAttributes one row at a time, selecting all DocSubAttributes with each iteration, and then doing each insert, again one at a time, iteratively.
I am wondering: Is there a simpler way to duplicate these rows in their respective tables to create an entirely new and separate data entity without relying on iteration?
Thanks for your help