




Hi there,

just wondering if it is possible to get the top 10 COUNT results and ordering by COUNT and alphabetically?

I have the following tables,

id | title


tag_id | post_id

And the following SQL query

SELECT tag.*, COUNT(td.tag_ID) AS tagcount
FROM Tagged td
LEFT JOIN Tags tag ON td.tag_ID = tag.tag_ID
GROUP BY td.tag_ID
ORDER BY tagcount DESC, tag.tag_Title ASC

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


Sorry if I didnt explain it properly.

The query works and I didnt add LIMIT 10 due to wanting to see the entire result set first.

The query I have works, however at the following example result

tag_ID  tag_Title  tagcount
1          Science  3
3          Chemistry 2
4          Misc      1
5          Maths       1
2          Sport       1

I would want Chemistry to come above Science though.

i.e. top ten highest counts.. sorted alphabetically


Thanks to you both.. Daniel and Sled.

Here is a working example

   SELECT     t.*, COUNT(*) AS tagcount
   FROM       tagged td
   LEFT JOIN  tags t ON (t.id = td.tag_id)
   GROUP BY   td.tag_id
   ORDER BY   tagcount DESC, t.title ASC
   LIMIT      3
) ORDER BY title ASC;
+2  A: 

Does the query work? If yes, you could use LIMIT 0, 10 to get only the top 10 rows.

SELECT tag.*, COUNT(td.tag_ID) AS tagcount
FROM Tagged td
LEFT JOIN gen_Tags tag ON td.tag_ID = tag.tag_ID
GROUP BY td.tag_ID
ORDER BY tagcount DESC, tag.tag_Title ASC LIMIT 0, 10

Another thing you might be interested in, is ranking. See here: http://www.fromdual.com/ranking-mysql-results


Maybe a subquery does what you want:

SELECT list.* FROM (
  SELECT tag.*, COUNT(td.tag_ID) AS tagcount, 
  FROM Tagged td
  LEFT JOIN gen_Tags tag ON td.tag_ID = tag.tag_ID
  GROUP BY td.tag_ID
  ORDER BY tagcount DESC LIMIT 0, 10
) AS list ORDER BY list.tag_Title ASC, list.tagcount DESC
yea its LIMIT gives me to top 10 rows, but im really looking for the 10 highest numbers, listed alphabetically
then you have to flip the order:ORDER BY tag.tag_Title ASC, tagcount DESC LIMIT 0, 10
yea thats what I thought but then i will get a result 2, 1, 1, 3... the titles may be ASC but I would want a result (count) 2,3,1,1
what's wrong with that?
if i want the top 2 results. I would get tags with 2 and 1 counts. But really the tag with 3 is higher.
please check the new query in my answer.
+1  A: 


Further to the new comment below:

   SELECT     t.*, COUNT(*) AS tagcount
   FROM       tagged td
   LEFT JOIN  tags t ON (t.id = td.tag_id)
   GROUP BY   td.tag_id
   ORDER BY   tagcount DESC, t.title ASC
   LIMIT      3
) ORDER BY title ASC;


| id   | title      | tagcount |
|    3 | javascript |        2 |
|    1 | mysql      |        2 |
|    2 | php        |        3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Simply change the LIMIT 3 to LIMIT 10 to get the top 10 instead of the top 3.

Previous Answer:

Why don't you add a LIMIT 10 to your query?

SELECT     t.*, COUNT(*) AS tagcount
FROM       tagged td
LEFT JOIN  tags t ON (t.id = td.tag_id)
GROUP BY   td.tag_id
ORDER BY   tagcount DESC, t.title ASC
LIMIT      10;

Test case:

CREATE TABLE tags (id int, title varchar(20));
CREATE TABLE tagged (tag_id int, post_id int);

INSERT INTO tags VALUES (1, 'mysql');
INSERT INTO tags VALUES (2, 'php');
INSERT INTO tags VALUES (3, 'javascript');
INSERT INTO tags VALUES (4, 'c');

INSERT INTO tagged VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO tagged VALUES (2, 1);
INSERT INTO tagged VALUES (1, 2);
INSERT INTO tagged VALUES (2, 2);
INSERT INTO tagged VALUES (3, 3);
INSERT INTO tagged VALUES (2, 4);
INSERT INTO tagged VALUES (3, 4);
INSERT INTO tagged VALUES (4, 5);

Result (using LIMIT 3):

| id   | title      | tagcount |
|    2 | php        |        3 |
|    3 | javascript |        2 |
|    1 | mysql      |        2 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Note how the [c] tag fell out of the top 3 results, and rows are ordered alphabetically in case of a tie.

Daniel Vassallo
i would want PHP to come last though because its the alphabetically ASC of the top 3 results. If you know what I mean?
@Stevanicus: I think I understand now. Updated my answer with a new example. Is this what you intend?
Daniel Vassallo
@Daniel Vassallo: the only thing if mysql were to be 1, would it still appear in second place? Or would it drop down below PHP... it doesnt on mine.
@Daniel... no sorry. it does work. Thats exactly it. Thank you