



I'm trying to create a Table inside a FlowDocument inside a FlowDocumentPageViewer, as seen in this tutorial. I've never created a table in WPF before, and I was expecting there to be an ItemsSourceproperty to which I could bind, like with a ListBox. I want to customize the template for each row, and I want each row's source to be an item in a collection that I pass to the entire table. So I'll have a List<MyClass> instance that would be passed to the table, and each row would show a single MyClass. How can I do that? Do I not want to use a Table within a FlowDocument? The reason I wanted to use some kind of tabular format is so that I can have a single row of column names that applies to all the rows.


Binding to the table isn't simple. Use code-behind:

public MainWindow()

        var items = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(i => new { Id = i, Title = "title " + i, Description = "some description" }).ToList();
        flowDoc.DataContext = items;

        var table = 
                "<Table xmlns=''&gt;"+
                "   <Table.Columns>"+
                "       <TableColumn Width='120'/>"+
                "       <TableColumn Width='120'/>"+
                "       <TableColumn Width='220'/>"+
                "   </Table.Columns>"+
                string.Concat(Enumerable.Range(0, items.Count).Select(index=>
                "   <TableRowGroup Background='White' DataContext='{Binding Path=["+index+"]}'>"+
                "       <TableRow>"+
                "           <TableCell>"+
                "               <Paragraph>"+
                "                   <TextBlock Text='{Binding Id}'/>"+
                "               </Paragraph>"+
                "           </TableCell>"+
                "           <TableCell>"+
                "               <Paragraph>"+
                "                   <TextBlock Text='{Binding Title}'/>"+
                "               </Paragraph>"+
                "           </TableCell>"+
                "           <TableCell>"+
                "               <Paragraph>"+
                "                   <TextBlock Text='{Binding Description}'/>"+
                "               </Paragraph>"+
                "           </TableCell>"+
                "       </TableRow>"+
                "   </TableRowGroup>"))+

        var xamlTable = XamlReader.Parse(table) as Table;



        <FlowDocument x:Name="flowDoc" />

But I think it is better to use ItemsControl because it supports ObservableCollection.


I think what I wanted was to use ListView, thanks to this tutorial:

<ListView Grid.Row="0" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyList}" MinWidth="400"
                    DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=MyFirstField}"
                    Header="First Field"/>
                    DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=MySecondField}"
                    Header="Second Field"/>
Sarah Vessels