EDIT: This will work, uses 2 regexs. The first get the function name and everything inside it, the second extracts each pair of params and values from what's inside the function's brackets. You cannot do this with a single regex. Add some [ \t\n\r]*
for whitespace.
Regex r = new Regex(@"(?<function>\w[\w\d]*?)\((?<inner>.*?)\)");
Regex inner = new Regex(@",?(?<param>.+?):""(?<value>[^""]*?)""");
string input = "_test0(a:\"lolololol\",b:\"2\") _test1(ghgasghe:\"asjkdgh\")";
List<List<string>> matches = new List<List<string>>();
MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(input);
foreach (Match match in mc)
var l = new List<string>();
foreach (Match m in inner.Matches(match.Groups["inner"].Value))
(Old) Solution
(Old) Explanation
Let's remove the group captures so it is easier to understand: \w[\w\d]*?\(.+?:"[^"]?"\)
is the word class, it is short for [a-zA-Z_]
is the digit class, it is short for [0-9]
Makes sure there is valid word character for the start of the function, and then matches zero or more further word or digit characters.
Matches a left bracket then one or more of any characters (for the parameter)
Matches a colon, then the opening quote, then zero or more of any character except quotes (for the value) then the close quote and right bracket.
Brackets (or parens, as some people call them) as escaped with the backslashes because otherwise they are capturing groups.
The (?<name> )
captures some text.
The ?
after each the *
and +
operators makes them non-greedy, meaning that they will match the least, rather than the most, amount of text.
(Old) Use
Regex r = new Regex(@"(?<function>\w[\w\d]*?)\((?<param>.+?):""(?<value>[^""]*?)""");
string input = "_test0(aa%£$!:\"lolololol\") _test1(ghgasghe:\"asjkdgh\")";
List<string[]> matches = new List<string[]>();
MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(input);
foreach (Match match in mc)
matches.Add(new[] { match.Groups["function"].Value, match.Groups["param"].Value, match.Groups["value"].Value });
EDIT: Now you've added an undefined number of multiple parameters, I would recommend making your own parser rather than using regexs. The above example only works with one parameter and strictly no whitespace. This will match multiple parameters with strict whitespace but will not return the parameters and values:
Just for fun, like above but with whitepace:
\w[\w\d]*?[ \t\r\n]*\([ \t\r\n]*.+?[ \t\r\n]*:[ \t\r\n]*"[^"]*?"([ \t\r\n]*,[ \t\r\n]*.+?[ \t\r\n]*:[ \t\r\n]*"[^"]*?")*[ \t\r\n]*\)
Capturing the text you want will be hard, because you don't know how many captures you are going to have and as such regexs are unsuited.