I would like to filter duplicate rows on conditions so that the rows with minimum modified and maximum active and unique rid and did are picked. self join? or any better approach that would be performance wise better?
id rid modified active did
1 1 2010-09-07 11:37:44.850 1 1
2 1 2010-09-07 11:38:44.000 1 1
3 1 2010-09-07 11:39:44.000 1 1
4 1 2010-09-07 11:40:44.000 0 1
5 2 2010-09-07 11:41:44.000 1 1
6 1 2010-09-07 11:42:44.000 1 2
Output expected is
1 1 2010-09-07 11:37:44.850 1 1
5 2 2010-09-07 11:41:44.000 1 1
6 1 2010-09-07 11:42:44.000 1 2
Commenting on the first answer, the suggestion does not work for the below dataset(when active=0 and modified is the minimum for that row)
id rid modified active did
1 1 2010-09-07 11:37:44.850 1 1
2 1 2010-09-07 11:38:44.000 1 1
3 1 2010-09-07 11:39:44.000 1 1
4 1 2010-09-07 11:36:44.000 0 1
5 2 2010-09-07 11:41:44.000 1 1
6 1 2010-09-07 11:42:44.000 1 2