If you just want to select those with a 1 in them, you can use:
where colm like '1,%'
or colm like '%,1,%'
or colm like '%,1'
or colm = '1'
But you should be aware that this will be a performance killer. If you ever find yourself needing to manipulate things that are smaller than a column, your database schema is set up badly. The reason why that query above will not perform well is that it is not possible to use indexes to quickly locate rows satisfying the query. It will either need a full table or index scan to get the rows.
You would be better off re-engineering the schema to break the comma-separated stuff out into rows in another table.
An example of that would be something like:
id integer primary key
other_stuff varchar(250)
primary_id integer references PrimaryTable(id)
int_val integer
char_val varchar(20)
primary key (primary_id,int_val)
index (int_val)
This will allow you to write blindingly fast queries as opposed to the slow stuff you're proposing:
select p.id, p.other_stuff
from PrimaryTable p, SecondaryTable s
where p.id = s.primary_id
and s.int_val = 1;
(or the equivalent explicit join syntax).
The reason this solution works faster is because it can use an index on SecondaryTable.int_val
to quickly retrieve the relevant rows and the primary key of both tables to cross-match.