What is the best resource for learning the features and benefits of windbg? I want to be able to discuss investigate memory issues (handles, objects), performance issues, etc . . .
Below, I've linked a video on how to use Windbg for ASP.NET applications. I have no idea why it's in another language for the title, but the video is in English.
Cj Anderson
2008-12-14 13:37:15
These are some I like:
- Maoni Stephens and Claudio Caldato's article on MSDN
- Maoni's blog (it is not updated recently but it contains a lot of useful material)
- Tess Fernandez has a a LOT of info reguarding windbg check out her video from teched in Barcellona. She also has an article called "Learning .NET Debugging" which will certainly be helpful. I suggest you to subscribe to this blog it is allways full with fresh info about debugging.
- John Robbins from Wintellect has a column on MSDN magazine called BUGSLAYER so check it out and allso his book Debugging Microsoft .NET 2.0 Applications has few chapters dedicated just to winDbg
- Install WinDBG
- Getting Started Part 1 and Part 2
Check out Tess Ferrandez' blog. Very good advice and lots of details. There are excellent labs as well to help you practice your skills.
Brian Rasmussen
2008-12-14 17:36:00