



is there any physics engine available for j2me as it is for symbian,iphone etc please send me the link or another source from where i can get the same reply asap. Thanks in advance everyone

+6  A: 

I invoked the Google oracle which knows almost everything if asked the right question ;)

It found two engines:

DyMix, a 2d-j2me rigid body physics engine, and its cousin Bloft, a soft-body physics engine. Don't these suit your needs? What kind of physics are you interested in? Quantum state simulation, electrical simulation, rigid body simulation, kinematics, gravitational waves, ...?

Update 1 Since you are interested in motion, DyMix will probably be your friend. I have no experiene to share with that library, but at least from it's feature list it seems as if it could help you.

quoted from the first Link

Basic Features:

  • Rigid body dynamics
  • Flexible design, easy to implement
  • High control over the collision, exact collision points
  • Fast fixed-point calculations
  • Friction and restitution(bounce) simulation
  • Support for convex polygon shapes, segments and point-masses
  • Additional Vector2, Matrix2x2 classes and other math functions
yeha................but not get proper ans
+1 for mentioning all kinds of exotic branch of physics.
Ngu Soon Hui
i m interested in rigid body simulation, kinematics, gravitational waves physics.And which is mostly related to motions.
ok thanks for reply