



Could anyone tell me the difference between the "interactive" state of document.readyState and "DOMContentLoaded"?

I couldn't find a lot of info on the "interactive" state and what specifically is available to be used in the page.

This page says:

interactive - Has loaded enough and the user can interact with it

Which seems a helluva lot like the DOMContentLoaded event.

I wrote a quick test page here which seems to suggest that the interactive readystate seems to be available before the DOMContentLoaded event.

So could someone clarify or give me some info on whats available to be manipulated on the page in the interactive state and whether it is the same as DOMContentLoaded and if so, why is it available before DOMContentLoaded?


Cheers, Yansky.

Edit: forgot to add, you need to be running FF4b to be able to use/see the new readystate feature.