Do you really need to retrieve all the rows at once? If not, then you could just retrieve them in batches of (for example) 10000 using the approach shown below.
def db = [url:'jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testDB', user:'sa', password:'', driver:'org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver']
def sql = Sql.newInstance(db.url, db.user, db.password, db.driver)
String query = "select * from my_table where id > ? limit 10000"
Integer maxId = 0
// Closure that executes the query and returns true if some rows were processed
Closure executeQuery = {
def oldMaxId = maxId
sql.eachRow(query, [maxId]) { row ->
// Code to process each row goes here.....
maxId =
return maxId != oldMaxId
while (maxId == 0 || executeQuery() {}
AFAIK limit
is a MySQL-specific feature, but most other RDBMS have an equivalent feature that limits the number of rows returned by a query.
Also, I haven't tested (or even compiled) the code above, so handle with care!