Error message:
Warning : SQM1014: Unable to extract function 'dbo.ProductFamilyIndex_EN' from SqlServer. Null or empty full-text predicate.
function defined as:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ProductFamilyIndex_EN]
@topn int,
@keywords nvarchar(4000)
select top (@topn) ProductFamilyID
from (
select pf.ProductFamilyID, t.[RANK] as _rank
from containstable(ProductFamily, (Name_EN), @keywords, LANGUAGE 'English', @topn) t
inner join ProductFamily pf on(pf.ProductFamilyID=t.[KEY])
union all
select p.ProductID as ProductFamilyID, t.[RANK] as _rank
from containstable(Product, (LongDescription_EN, ShortDescription_EN), @keywords, LANGUAGE 'English', @topn) t
inner join Product p on(p.ProductID=t.[KEY] and p.ProductFamilyID is null and p.Deleted is null)
) t
group by ProductFamilyID
order by max(_rank) desc
don't get confused by the union inside - that just means that a product without a family is a family on its own.
tried to give default values to the parameters:
@topn int = 1000,
@keywords nvarchar(4000) = 'test'
with the same result.
Using .NET 3.5 and sql2008.
EDIT: Problem solved.
Apparently sqlmetal runs the function to figure out the return type, but insists on supplying null
parameter instead of default
, which seems like sqlmetal's bug.
Way to work around it is to declare return type explicitly:
alter function [dbo].[ProductFamilyIndex_EN] (@topn int, @keywords nvarchar(4000))
returns @t table (ProductFamilyID int not null)
as begin
return end