I was hoping I might get some help here so that I might finally solve this frustrating problem.
On the java side of things they sign with the following code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length < 2)
String cmd = args[0];
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA", "BC");
if ("sign".equalsIgnoreCase(cmd)) {
String pemFileName = args[1];
String dataFileName = args[2];
byte[] data = readFile(dataFileName);
FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File(pemFileName));
PEMReader pemReader = new PEMReader(fr);
KeyPair keyPair = (KeyPair) pemReader.readObject();
byte[] signatureBytes = signature.sign();
writeFile(signatureBytes, dataFileName + ".signed");
String encoded = Base64.encode(signatureBytes);
writeFile(encoded.getBytes(), dataFileName + ".signed.base64");
} else {
When I receive the data I have their public key and try to verify with the following C# code:
public static bool Verify(String msg, String signature, String publicKey)
RsaKeyParameters remotepubkey = GetRsaPublicKey(publicKey);
ISigner signer = SignerUtilities.GetSigner("SHA1withRSA");
signer.Init(false, remotepubkey);
byte[] sigBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(signature);
byte[] msgBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(msg);
signer.BlockUpdate(msgBytes, 0, msgBytes.Length);
return signer.VerifySignature(sigBytes);
This is not working!! I can however verify the data with openssl: openssl dgst -sha1 -verify public_key.pem -signature data.txt.signed data.txt
The question is, what am I missing to make this work?
NOTE: I don't have a problem with the keys, that is working correctly but somehow there is a difference between how java and .net works with RSA?
**Edit 1 : **In this particular scenario all I had to do was change the GetSigner to
ISigner signer = SignerUtilities.GetSigner("RSA");
Could someone tell me the difference between SHA1withRSA and RSA?