Hi folks, i have the following issue: In asynchronous context i need to initialize fields of some custom object before i can proceed with other operations on it, so i do:
class ContainingObject
private CustomObject _co;
_co = new CustomObject();
_co.InitObjectAsyncCompleted += (s,e) => DoStuff();
class CustomObject
public string Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4;
public EventHandler InitObjectAsyncCompleted;
public void InitObjectAsync()
The catch is that fields are also initialized through asynchronous calls to WCF service, and all must be initialized before i raise the InitObjectAsyncCompleted event. There is quite a number of those fields, each is initialized with different WCF call, and implying i cannot change the WCF part for now, i see two ways to solve the problem:
1) Chain WCF calls, so first call initializes first field, then calls WCF to initialize second field, and so on before all fields are initialized, then i raise "completed" event in last WCF call.
public void InitObjectAsync()
var proxy = new ProxyFactory.GetCustomObjectProxy;
proxy.GetDataForField1Completed += (s,e) =>
Field1 = e.Result;
proxy.GetDataForField2Completed += (s1,e1) =>
Field2 = e1.Result;
//keep this up building a chain of events, when Field4 is filled, raise
// InitObjectAsyncCompleted(this, null);
2) Since i know how many method calls should be completed, 4 in this case, i can make a counter.
public void InitObjectAsync()
int counter = 0;
var proxy = new ProxyFactory.GetCustomObjectProxy;
proxy.GetDataForField1Completed += (s,e) =>
Field1 = e.Result;
if(counter >= 3)
InitObjectAsyncCompleted(this, null);
proxy.GetDataForField2Completed += (s,e) =>
Field2 = e.Result;
if(counter >= 3)
InitObjectAsyncCompleted(this, null);
//repeat for all fields
I don't really like either of solutions, first one builds a pretty big and badly readable chain of events, second is just... crude - can anyone suggest a more elegant way of solving this problem?