Based on this question:
The logic bellow is used to build an ordened list, but how to do the same with an array?
I want to build a nested array.
// bootstrap loop
$result = '';
$currDepth = -1; // -1 to get the outer <ul>
while (!empty($tree)) {
$currNode = array_shift($tree);
// Level down?
if ($currNode['depth'] > $currDepth) {
// Yes, open <ul>
$result .= '<ul>';
// Level up?
if ($currNode['depth'] < $currDepth) {
// Yes, close n open <ul>
$result .= str_repeat('</ul>', $currDepth - $currNode['depth']);
// Always add node
$result .= '<li>' . $currNode['title'] . '</li>';
// Adjust current depth
$currDepth = $currNode['depth'];
// Are we finished?
if (empty($tree)) {
// Yes, close n open <ul>
$result .= str_repeat('</ul>', $currDepth + 1);
print $result;