



I haven't done work in C/C++ for a little bit and was just wondering if any one can help me with porting this .Net C# code into C++ using Boost library (Boost.Asio)

So I have one function:

 private const int bufferSize = 8192;

/// <summary>
/// The entry point of the application.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">The input arguments of the application. The first argument should be a valid http address of the source server. The second argument should be a valid http address of the destination server.</param>
public static void Main(string[] args)
    // Check the amount of the arguments.
    if (args.Length < 2)
        Console.Write("Not enough arguments. Expected 2, recieved " + args.Length + ".");

    // Try to get the source server URI.
    Uri sourceUri;
        sourceUri = new Uri(args[0]);
    catch (UriFormatException)
        Console.Write("Invalid source server address.");

    // Try to get the destination server URI.
    Uri destinationUri;
        destinationUri = new Uri(args[1]);
    catch (UriFormatException)
        Console.Write("Invalid destination server address.");

    // Try to connect to the source server.
    Stream sourceStream;
        sourceStream = WebRequest.Create(sourceUri).GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
    catch (Exception exception)
        Console.Write("Cannot connect to the source server. Details: " + exception.Message);

    // Try to connect to the destination server.
    NetworkStream destinationStream;
        destinationStream = new TcpClient(destinationUri.Host, destinationUri.Port).GetStream();
    catch (Exception exception)
        Console.Write("Cannot connect to the destination server. Details: " + exception.Message);

    // Start redirecting the data.
    int read = 0;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
            read = sourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
        catch (Exception exception)
            Console.Write("An error occurred while receiving data from the source server. Details: " + exception.Message);

            destinationStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
        catch (Exception exception)
            Console.Write("An error occurred while sending data to the destination server. Details: " + exception.Message);
    while (read > 0);

    Console.Write("All data redirected.");

How to create its simple\general analog in C++?

main Idea here is to transmit live streaming data from one broadcasticg source to another.


I don't think this is going to be simple at all to port to C++. What takes one line in C# requires a whole bunch of infrastructure in C++, because you have the entire .Net framework at your fingertips in the CLR. I believe boost::asio is a lower-level interface than you need for this. If you do have to do this in C++ then there is stuff in ATL Server or WinHTTP which could prove useful.

Is there any way you can encapsulate the code from here that you need in a small C# assembly, and call into it from C++ using COM interop?

Steve Townsend
I'm curious about the anonymous belated downvote of an accepted answer. Care to explain what you did not like?
Steve Townsend