I'm trying to generate a dynamic property in a framework I'm using, and I'm having some difficulty.. I have two tables joined in a many to many relationship (platforms, titles, and games) games has two primary keys, titleid and platformid
select * from games where CONCAT(platformid,titleid) = 110
110 is just an example, but the record does exist with a platform of 1 and a titleid of 10...
why wont that work?
PS: I know I can rewrite the query with a where clause (platformid = 1 AND title = 10), but for the purposes of my framework, this is not an option...
EDIT: Fixed genreid error (should have been titleid, but in my actual code this was correct... )
EDIT 2: This is a scenario:
select * where="platforms.id=#game.platformId# AND genres.id=#game.genreId# AND games.id<>#game.id#"
This is a scenario when I want to find records OTHER than the one currently selected...