




I cannot see a .png image load on the following page http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=4691b22b-a1c9-4fc6-836c-e8a74990506c .It is for a geocaching website.Yes, I am also a geocacher.I have done some HTML but this is out of my league.There is nothing in the source code to help.This is a puzzle you have to figure out to get a set of coodinates to show on the page.The .png file is just below the "Check Your Solution Online" link.( Ctrl + A to see the blank image ). The person who did the cache wrote in the description "Unlike other puzzles, this puzzle is not about figuring out the final coordinates, but merely how to see them on this cache page. 1973 is the name of the cache but it could have also been named 1684, 73 after 19 or even 19:73. They all refer to the same thing. How to see the final coordinates." Some setting change,I think, has to be made to see the information appear on the page.You do not have to try and extract information from the .png file with outside software.I tried that for 2 days only to find out I didn't need to.The information they give is supposed to help figure it out.Anyone have any ideas?