



Is there an easy way to run a search for all the stored procedures in the database to see if they are anywhere in C# code in Visual Studio?

I am using Visual Studio 2008 (C#) with SQL Server 2005. I just want to query the database and return a list of all the stored procedures (I can easily do this). Then I want to search through an entire project to find which stored procedures are being used in the code, and which ones are not.

(Ok, as I write this out, I have an idea, but it involves looking though each file one at a time, which ain't bad, but I wonder if there is a better solution).

EDIT: It seems my question was not clear enough. I want to get a list back of every stored procedure in the database that is not being called from code. I am trying to remove all the unused code and database objects, so I need to know what is not used, and then start deleting.

+1  A: 

You can tick the "Use Regular Expressions" option in the "find in files" dialogue then separate the names with a | character.

To generate the pipe delimited list of procedure names to search for you can use

declare @list varchar(max)

select @list= isnull(@list + '|','') + name from sys.procedures

select @list AS [processing-instruction(x)] FOR XML PATH('')

To find stored procedures not referenced at all in your code you could look at a third party tool to do this such as Apex SQL Clean.

You might find that you can do all you need for now within the free trial period.

Martin Smith
Thanks, I signed up for the trial, waiting for the welcome email.
+1  A: 

use a consistent naming convention, like usp_

we do ... but I need a list of all the stored procs not used in C# code
so you start with a list of all the stored procs in the c# code. If you really want, you can write an app to read your code files and pull out references to the pattern you want to match.

Depends on how the code is written.

You might be able to do a search for something like .CommandText.

Other things to search for might be just SqlCommand or .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure.

Hopefully you might then get out all the lines that contains the name of a SP and then you might be able to use a regex or similar to get out just the SP names from the lines.


I just created a program to grab all the stored procedure names from the database. I then read through all the files in my project manually, and check to see if they contained the stored procedure name. If the name was not found in any files, I added it to a list.

I was hoping to find an easier way to do this, but this works for what I needed.
