I have few inline sql statements with some arrays and if loops. I want to change them all into one stored procedure in SQL server 2005. As i am learning SQL, i have got no idea about how it should be done with arrays and if loops. Is that possible to send arrays into stored procs or is there any other solution.
Refer the code which i am going to change into SP. Thanks in advance!!
public bool TempUpdateMerchantCategories(long LocationID, ArrayList CategoryList, ArrayList ImageData)
int j = 0;
bool hasImage = false;
string previousPID = string.Empty;
bool isFirstPID = true;
int numberOfSubCategories = 3;
int pIDCount = 0;
foreach (string data in CategoryList)
string pID = data.Split(',')[0];
if (isFirstPID)
isFirstPID = false;
previousPID = pID;
if (pID != previousPID)
previousPID = pID;
ArrayList stepsThresholdList = new ArrayList();
if (pIDCount > 1)
for (int k = 1; k < pIDCount; k++)
stepsThresholdList.Add(k * numberOfSubCategories);
if (CategoryList == null || CategoryList.Count == 0) return true;
SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[]
new SqlParameter("@LocationID", LocationID)
//SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DbConnString, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "TempMerchant_Location_Category", parameters);
string commandText = String.Format("DELETE FROM [TempMerchant_Location_Category] WHERE locationid = @LocationID");
SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DbConnString, CommandType.Text, commandText, parameters);
for (int i = 0; i < CategoryList.Count; i++)
if (ImageData.Count > 0 && j < ImageData.Count)
string imageID = ImageData[j].ToString().Split(',')[0];
string primaryID = ImageData[j].ToString().Split(',')[1];
if (primaryID == CategoryList[i].ToString().Split(',')[0])
if (imageID != "IsDefault")
hasImage = true;
if (!hasImage)
parameters = new SqlParameter[]
new SqlParameter("@LocationID", LocationID),
new SqlParameter("@PrimaryID", Convert.ToInt32(CategoryList[i].ToString().Split(',')[0])),
new SqlParameter("@SecondaryID", Convert.ToInt32(CategoryList[i].ToString().Split(',')[1]))
//SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DbConnString, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "TempMerchant_Location_Category", parameters);
commandText = String.Format("INSERT INTO [dbo].[TempMerchant_Location_Category] ([LocationID],[PrimaryID],[SecondaryID]) VALUES (@LocationID,@PrimaryID,@SecondaryID)");
parameters = new SqlParameter[]
new SqlParameter("@LocationID", LocationID),
new SqlParameter("@PrimaryID", Convert.ToInt32(CategoryList[i].ToString().Split(',')[0])),
new SqlParameter("@SecondaryID", Convert.ToInt32(CategoryList[i].ToString().Split(',')[1])),
new SqlParameter("@ImageID", Convert.ToInt64(ImageData[j].ToString().Split(',')[0]))
// SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DbConnString, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "TempMerchant_Location_Category", parameters);
commandText = String.Format("INSERT INTO [dbo].[TempMerchant_Location_Category] ([LocationID],[PrimaryID],[SecondaryID],[ImageID]) VALUES (@LocationID,@PrimaryID,@SecondaryID,@ImageID)");
if (stepsThresholdList.Count > 0 && j < stepsThresholdList.Count)
if (i == (Convert.ToInt32(stepsThresholdList[j]) - 1))
SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DbConnString, CommandType.Text, commandText, parameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
LogError("Error Occurred When Updating TempMerchant Ctegories: LocationID:" + LocationID.ToString(), ex);
return false;