



I have a ASP.NET page that contains a formview and ObjectDataSource. On the page I only have 4 fields that are bound to fields in my datasource. My datasource contains 10 fields. When I call an update it is setting the 6 fields I am not binding to to null. The only way I can find it get around this is to add hidden fields for the 6 unbound fields and bind them to the datasource.

Is there anyway around this without using hidden fields? I would think that it should only update the fields you are binding to and ignore the others.

Any suggestions?



The solution is to just change by hand the Update Code on the datasource of your formview.

Just remove the fields that you do not won to update. Its a simple SQL command.

That won't work for me. The reason is I am doing about a 10 step process on 10 different pages with only one object and storing the object in the session when i move between pages. So when I set the object in the session it is reseting all the values that are not on the current page. I don't want to run the sql until they have finished the last page so I need to store the state of the object in between pages somehow without losing values.
@Dan I have lost you, if you can place some code here then maybe I can help you more.