




What is the difference in performance of making a single database (MySql) call that retrieves 10 results versus making 10 single db calls to retrieve those results individually?

If one is better than the other, is there a way I can go about to test the performance between the two? (I'm just curious because in the future if I have another question on performance, I could use the suggested way to test it out myself)

+2  A: 

A single call will always be faster than several calls for the same data. Simply the network turn around and latency alone is a component, but also the start up and tear down of the SQL processing will have some impact.

Will Hartung

the single call is better. Less round trips between you and the DB, less processing involved. Less data transfer for the recordsets (well, only a little).

Testing the performance. You can obviously test it programmatically - your client app can write the start/stop times between the 2, that's easy and shows the performance difference from a client point-of-view. If you want to see the server performance, you can enable the general log (or binary log) and see the performance of each query.

+1  A: 

What is heavier - 10 apples or a bike?
Queries aren't equal!. You cannot just compare it by numbers!
A query must be sensible. Period. Not imaginable faster, but sensible. Doing it's job on it's place. That's the only reason to prefer one query over another.

I hope you meant different queries, not just single query called 10 times.
Of course, running equal queries several times should be avoided, as well as any other repetitive action - it's one of basic programming rules.

And to answer your future performance question -
Learn profiling

BENCHMARK <query> and EXPLAIN <query> are tools for mysql profiling and performance tuning

Col. Shrapnel

You can easily do performance testing between the two. You would do something like the following pseudocode:

start = CurrentTime()
do 1000 times
  for i from 1 to 10
end = CurrentTime()
time_for_individual_queries = (end - start) / 1000

start = CurrentTime()
do 1000 times
end = CurrentTime()
time_for_bulk_queries = (end - start) / 1000

Note that I run each one a thousand times, because usually when performance testing, the thing you are testing is too quick to observe a difference consistently unless you run it repeatedly. You will, of course, want to tweak for your particular situation.

Brian Campbell
mysql has `BENCHMARK` operator
Col. Shrapnel
@Col. Shrapnel That says nothing about the cost of opening up 10 connections, or preparing and executing 10 queries, or anything else that needs to happen on the client side or talk from the client to the server. `BENCHMARK` only tests how the query runs on the server (which can also be useful, but it doesn't include all of the cost we're interested in). I'm presenting a generic way to test the full cost of doing 10 small queries vs. one big one.
Brian Campbell