



When running my functional tests, I'm getting the following warning in one of the test cases but I can't pinpoint where it's coming from:

gems/actionpack-2.3.8/lib/action_controller/record_identifier.rb:76: warning: Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id

Unfortunately that's the only line of the backtrace that's shown, even if I run it with rake test --trace, and there is no more information in log/test.log.

How can I get the full backtrace for this warning or otherwise figure out which line in my code is causing it?


When I get this kind of warning in my tests it is usually because I am using mocking model objects and am not providing all the methods that active record provides for real.

A good starting point would be the rails code itself. Looking at the source code for the action_pack gem which is referenced, the method that is causing the error is dom_id. That method generates an id for an object for use on a page. It seems to be called in a couple of places internally (unless you are calling it directly of course!) but the most likely cause appears to be calling form_for on an object.

I was hoping for a more general answer, not specifically for this error, but it makes sense: stepping in through the rails source was exactly what I ended up doing; it's probably the only way to do it. I added a `breakpoint unless record.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base)` above that line in actionpack so I could call `where` and get the full stack. (Turns out it was a `content_tag_for`...)
Andrew Vit
Right, I see. I couldn't figure out a way of getting any more information other than stepping into the rails code and working back. You don't have to accept my answer if it doesn't answer what you wanted!

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