



UPDATE : This is what I did -

   set @dyn_sql = '
                                E.ID as EmployeeID,
                                E.UserName as Username
                                Leaderboard K
                                    inner join Employee E on  K.EmployeeId = E.Id
                                    inner join INFO KD on KD.EmployeeId=E.Id
                                    where  E.CompanyId=4
                         ) as d1'
DECLARE @leaderboards TABLE
 UserName varchar(50)
set @params='@Employee_Id int, @UserName varchar(200) OUTPUT'
INSERT INTO @leaderboards (UserName)
EXEC sp_executesql @dyn_sql, @params,@EmployeeId=@Employee_Id OUTPUT,@UserName = @User_Name OUTPUT

SELECT * from @leaderboards

But this is not returning records although if I see the query is right and returns records..

Hi all, I am executing a dynamic sql statement using sp_executesql and this is what I am doing currently -

EXEC sp_executesql @dyn_sql, @params,@EmployeeId=@Employee_Id OUTPUT,@UserName = @User_Name OUTPUT

SELECT @Employee_Id AS EmployeeId,@User_Name AS UserName

But the above only gets me single value when I am getting a list of records if I run the dynamic sql query individually.How can I store the list of values returned by execution of my dynamic sql ? and returns records..and returns records..But this

+1  A: 

Via a temp table.


declare @sql nvarchar(max)
  set @sql = '
    E.ID as EmployeeID, --doesn't really matter how you name them, it's the order that matters
    E.UserName as Username -- and this order should match the order of columns in the insert statement
    Leaderboard K
        inner join Employee E on  K.EmployeeId = E.Id
        inner join INFO KD on KD.EmployeeId=E.Id
        where  E.CompanyId=4
    EmployeeId int, 
    UserName varchar(50)
INSERT INTO @LeaderBoard (EmployeeId, UserName)
exec sp_executesql @sql

select * from @LeaderBoard

--Hurray, we made it!
Denis Valeev
Please see my update...I was still having some issues..
+1  A: 

You can insert the results of EXEC sp_executesql into a temp table or table variable.

a INT,
INSERT INTO @t (a,b)
EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT 1, 2 UNION SELECT 3, 4 '

Or alternatively the dynamic SQL can access a temp table declared in the parent scope (but any temp table created in the dynamic SQL itself will be out of scope as soon as the execution finishes)

Martin Smith
Please see my update...I was still having some issues..
I downvoted this answer because this is not what the OP asked.
Denis Valeev
@Denis - Are you claiming somehow that this doesn't answer the question "How to store a multiple or a list of values returned from sp_executesql?"
Martin Smith
I'm claiming that if you run it as it is it won't solve anything. The problem that you have with someone else's answers, apparently.
Denis Valeev