I'm struggling to figure out how to compare MySQL dates with current system time using perl.
I have a script that runs on a cron job that will send notification if the current system date/time is past the date/time of a returned record:
An application displays a table view:
EventId Device Location
CC: 123 something BFE
TT: 456 anotherthing BFE
How the script works is it finds values in the field EventID, parses the type (CC:, TT:, etc) from the ID (the numeric portion). The ID is a Unique ID in another database/table which contains an end time field. EventID itself is not Unique and may have duplicate items in the table. Sub routines for each "type" exist since each type has a different database and/or table.
The goal is that the script runs every minute and toggles the value of Expired. It is possible for something to expire, a change to be made and subsequently unexpire.
The script works fine save for 1 issue which appears to be related to timezones based off of the feed back I've recieved here so far. If I don't implicitly set the timezone to 'America/New_York'($now
) for the current system time , it is off by a number of hours ($notz
). therefore I need to find a way to make the date returned from MySQL be compared with the current system time accurately.
does not seem to work either.
I'm unsure of how to do this, or even if the code I have thus far is the best approach (Still fairly new to Perl):
use DBI;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::MySQL;
use Switch;
my $now = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'America/New_York');
my $notz = DateTime->now();
my $maindb = DBI=>connect(database);
my $seteventsql = qq { select * from view where EventId like 'IE:' or EventId like 'TT:' or EventId like 'CC:';};
my $commit = $livedb->prepare($seteventsql);
$commit->execute() || die "could not set event: $DBI::errstr";
while(@events = $commit->fetchrow_array()) {
(my $type, my $id) = split (/ /,$events[0]);
$id =~ s|\D||g;
switch ($type) {
case ('CC:') {check_expired_case($id);}
case ('TT:') {check_expired_task($id);}
case ('IE:') {check_expired_event($id);}
sub check_expired_case {
my $id = shift; #id = 123
my $sql = qq { select id, status_id, item_enddate from item where id = ?; };
my $exec = $itemdb->prepare($sql);
while(my @row = $exec->fetchrow_array()) {
my $status = $row[1];
my $end = DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_datetime($row[2]);
if ($now > $end || $status ne 3 || $status ne 6) {
$sql = qq { update item set Expired = 1 where EventId = '$eventid';};
$sql = qq { update item set Expired = 0 where EventId = '$eventid';};
NoTZ: 2010-09-10T01:27:19
Now: 2010-09-09T21:27:19
End: 2010-09-10T17:00:00
Thanks in advance. I hope I've explained this well enough, its hard difficult to explain how everything relates.