



I have simple serial port program that is supposed to read the serial port and echo back the characters typed. I can get this to work fine by polling the serial recieved with a timer, but I'd like to use the dataReceived event instead. For some reason the event will occur once but never again.

    SerialPort bsp;
    public Form1()
        bsp = new SerialPort("COM2", 2400, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
        bsp.DataReceived +=new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(whasup);
    void whasup(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
        char[] text = new char[100];
        int temp = bsp.BytesToRead;
        string j = temp.ToString();
        bsp.Read(text, 0, temp);
        bsp.Write(text, 0, temp);

I've tried porting this to a PC and it works great, but on this Windows CE device it really doesn't want to cooperate. I know the serial object is still open because i've had a timer running spitting text out of the Win CE device even after it stop echoing back its receive data. I also had the timer output bsp.BytesToRead, and I could see that value climb as I typed more keys in on my PC that talked serially to the Windows CE device. Am I missing something?

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