



I've been through the forums for awhile and I can verify that my issue doesn't have to do with transparency or chrome. I have an IFRAME which is in the application sandbox, giving it access to files in app-storage. Dynamic images are loading fine, but my dynamically generated <OBJECT> code that is placed in the DOM is not loading the SWF video. I can see the object placeholder, but no video.

Are there any requirements to embedding a SWF file, perhaps size requirements (both height and width required)? Given the fact that my content is dynamic and I don't know the dimensions of the SWF file, I currently have two options for embedding:

  1. Calculate the height and width of the parent element, and assign those values to the OBJECT params.
  2. Use 100% width and height on the OBJECT

This might pose problems with the proportions of the SWF file, which I'm hoping can be fixed by the scale PARAM ( ).

Please help, I haven't been able to find any helpful guides yet. I have already followed the documentation for embedding from here to no avail:

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