




Hello all!

Currently am working with magento project.. in which i have stucked on the point .. that is when admin add any subcategory/category by

Manage category -> custome design

here its gives two option like

Active from and Active to.. can anyone, who know about magento database, tell me where or in which table this two value store

Thanks for any suggestion or help!

+1  A: 

I've listed the attributes for catalog categories below. Since categories are an EAV type, you'll need to look in a particular subtable to get your values. In this case, custom_design_from and custom_design_to are datetime values, and the name of your entity is catalog_category_entity, so the table you want is catalog_category_entity_datetime.

Next problem you'll find is getting the right attribute ID. Since they're liable to change, here's the SQL query to run in order to grab them:

select attribute_id, attribute_code from eav_attribute where entity_type_id = 3 and attribute_code in ('custom_design_from', 'custom_design_to');

I get 52 and 53, but YMWV. Hope that helps!

Thanks, Joe

| attribute_code       | backend_type |
| name                 | varchar      |
| is_active            | int          |
| url_key              | varchar      |
| description          | text         |
| image                | varchar      |
| meta_title           | varchar      |
| meta_keywords        | text         |
| meta_description     | text         |
| display_mode         | varchar      |
| landing_page         | int          |
| is_anchor            | int          |
| path                 | static       |
| position             | static       |
| all_children         | text         |
| path_in_store        | text         |
| children             | text         |
| url_path             | varchar      |
| custom_design        | varchar      |
| custom_design_apply  | int          |
| custom_design_from   | datetime     |
| custom_design_to     | datetime     |
| page_layout          | varchar      |
| custom_layout_update | text         |
| level                | static       |
| children_count       | static       |
| available_sort_by    | text         |
| default_sort_by      | varchar      |
| include_in_menu      | int          |
Joseph Mastey
@ joe ...thanks!!! it works!!
@joe .. one more question ...I want to sort all category according to custom_design_from or custom_design_to....can you please help me out..how can I do display them
That really belongs as a separate question (and needs more space to answer).
Joseph Mastey
@joe ... I have added this question with one other question too :P .. your help is needed in both today's magento questions..