



I'm creating a small addin in the hopes of making it fun and easy to play with graphics in Visual Studio. There has been one small annoyance though, I can't seem to figure out how to attach my newly created window to the tab bar.

It's all F#, but the solution should be just a couple of function calls so please feel free to use C# or VB in your answer.

type WindowManager(applicationObject: DTE2, addInInstance: AddIn) = 
    member this.CreateWindow(control: Type, caption) = 
        let windowInterface = applicationObject.Windows :?> Windows2
        let tempObj = ref null
        let assemblyLocation = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location
        let className = control.FullName
        let instanceGuid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B")
        let toolWindow = windowInterface.CreateToolWindow2( addInInstance, assemblyLocation, className, caption, instanceGuid, tempObj)
        toolWindow.Visible <- true

I think I just need to link it to something in the applicationObject. The only problem is what.

+1  A: 

My understanding is that the only way to control tool window position is to provide it via a VSPackage, not via AddIn (see and for more information).

I believe that the reason for this limitation is that positions of particular tool windows are user-controllable; even if you provide the tool window via VSPackage and specify its position via the registry magic as described in the above links, you still only control the location of a first appearance of a tool window. After that, the location will always come from wherever the user moved your toolwindow, and this is very deliberately non-overridable.

I might be missing some new VS2010 mechanisms though.

It's awful that you can't control this as you can make windows at runtime. But if that's how it is, it's how it is.
Rick Minerich

I seem to have figured it out:

toolWindow.Linkable <- false
toolWindow.WindowState <- vsWindowState.vsWindowStateMaximize
toolWindow.Visible <- true
Rick Minerich