




Hello. I am making an autosuggesting function, when the user writes something in the field it stores it in:

$queryString = $db->real_escape_string($_POST['queryString']);

I want it to autosuggest after the users friends. The user´s friends is in users_friends, but only the friend´s ID. Now their full_name is in the table "users". And i want when you search it should in users for the full_name + check if its friends with the user.

As you may understand i do not expect all my users to know eachother id´s so writing e.g "52" "233", but searching for their full_name s.


I know tried doing this: $query = $db->query("SELECT uf.bID FROM users friends, users_friends uf WHERE uf.uID = '1' AND uf.type = 'friend' AND friends.full_name LIKE '$queryString%' LIMIT 10;" );

It selects the bID, from the users friends WHERE the userid is 1 and are friend.

Now i start to see some results i think. When i write a full_name that im friends with, i get the id of the user(the id that is stored in bID). Now i just need to grab the full_name in "users" where id = bID..

table: users
id | full_name

table: users_friends
id | uID | bID

So conclusion of all this (trying to make a better summary in order to make you understand better: )

When you type in e.g Jack in the search field, then the $queryString is now "jack". Then it is taking "Jack"(full_name in users), grabbing his id(id in users), if he exists there ofcourse, and then match it with bID (in users_friends) where uID is $USER; ($user is the current user that are logged in´s id.)

Hope this was easier to understand, please leave comment if theres something unclear.


Do you want to read data from many tables at once??

SELECT table1.id, table2.name FROM table1, table2 WHERE ...

My english is not very good to understand everything :D


Using your database-table definition & assuming PHP Variables:

$querystring - holds an escaped string of a potential friend
$USER - holds an escaped integer of the logged in user

Your query would be:

SELECT friends.id,friends.full_name
FROM users friends,users_friends uf
WHERE friends.full_name LIKE '$querystring%'
  AND uf.bID=friends.id
  AND uf.uID=$USER
ORDER BY friends.full_name

You don't need the new-lines in there, I just added them for readability (if this is PHP with MySQL the new-lines will be ignored anyway). Once again $querystring should be escaped with mysqli-escape-string or the like. $USER should be escaped too if it's coming from the user's browser (even in a cookie) {eg. $USER=(int)$USER; will at least cast it into an integer - if it's not a number (contains text for example)}

What you'll get for results - if you're searching for "Jack^" (your example) - is a list of any friends of the current logged in user with name starting with Jack, sorted by full name (alphabetically). So if the user has 3 friends:

7 | Jack Dee
8 | Andrew Cee
9 | Jack Bee 

This will return:

9 | Jack Bee 
7 | Jack Dee
FROM users friends, users_friends uf <-- ? whats "uf" and users friends, doesnt exist only users_friends.And this query, where is this related to the question? Maybe misunderstanding? Because i cant see any $queryString in your query... As queryString is defined from my search input field´s value.
Oh i get the uf and friends now, but still not where i should do the queryString and so
Sorry - I should have explained in most SQL databases the second word after the table is an alias, which can be used to shorten the query, and/or increase readability (in this case readability) Also (edit) based on your question.
Ok, i try to understand your final solution. Where does "friend." gets defined? And i have full_name column not firstname/lastname. So:"SELECT friend.full_name from users friends, users_friends uf WHERE uf.bID = '$queryString' AND friends.id=uf.friendid LIMIT 10;"
uf.bID is the user´s friends id. I dont understand the friends.id=uf.friendid ? friendid in users_friends doesnt exist, i think it should be (the current signed in users id)$USER=uf.uID. (if he's in a uID then he basically have a friend). But then again i dont understand there where you have putten $queryString as, you should e.g "anders" and then it should check for "anders" ´s id that is in users, in users_friends.bID, and if theres any matches then it will show.
Hope im not confusing you, i am confused my self now..
Please check updated question
Updated yesterday, but it appears you awarded your bounty to another.

I didn't understood your question But you can use this query:

mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_one, table_two WHERE table_one.id = table_two.id");
+1  A: 

So, as i figure it out, you've got the current user's id in $USER and its query string in $queryString, and what you want is the names of the user's friends based on the $queryString, am I right?

So, assuming the database's schema is as you've put:

table: users
id | full_name

table: users_friends
id | uID | bID

See if this query works out for you, then:

SELECT users.full_name 
FROM users INNER JOIN users_friends ON users.id=users_friends.uID
WHERE bID=$USER AND users.full_name LIKE '$queryString%'

Where $USER and $queryString are your variables.

You rock, thank you a million!