Hello. I am making an autosuggesting function, when the user writes something in the field it stores it in:
$queryString = $db->real_escape_string($_POST['queryString']);
I want it to autosuggest after the users friends. The user´s friends is in users_friends, but only the friend´s ID. Now their full_name is in the table "users". And i want when you search it should in users for the full_name + check if its friends with the user.
As you may understand i do not expect all my users to know eachother id´s so writing e.g "52" "233", but searching for their full_name s.
I know tried doing this: $query = $db->query("SELECT uf.bID FROM users friends, users_friends uf WHERE uf.uID = '1' AND uf.type = 'friend' AND friends.full_name LIKE '$queryString%' LIMIT 10;" );
It selects the bID, from the users friends WHERE the userid is 1 and are friend.
Now i start to see some results i think. When i write a full_name that im friends with, i get the id of the user(the id that is stored in bID). Now i just need to grab the full_name in "users" where id = bID..
table: users
id | full_name
table: users_friends
id | uID | bID
So conclusion of all this (trying to make a better summary in order to make you understand better: )
When you type in e.g Jack in the search field, then the $queryString is now "jack". Then it is taking "Jack"(full_name in users), grabbing his id(id in users), if he exists there ofcourse, and then match it with bID (in users_friends) where uID is $USER; ($user is the current user that are logged in´s id.)
Hope this was easier to understand, please leave comment if theres something unclear.