





Can someone help me do one of two things.

1) Make the cycle plugin highlight the relevant button.

  • or -

2) Make the cycle plugin stop rotating once a button is clicked.

My problem is that the images cycle, then I click a button. The cycling resumes but the previously selected button stays highlighted. Either fix will be suitable. Perhaps fix 1 is preferable but I am easy really.

Here is what I have at the moment.

var $container = $('#slider .inner').cycle({ 
 fx:     'scrollHorz', 
 speed: 300,
 timeout: 4000 

$container.children().each(function(i) { 
 // There are only 3 images, this is to stop a random 4th button being created.
 if (i != 3) {
  $('<input type="button" value="'+(i+1)+'" />') 
   // append it to button container 
   // bind click handler 
   .click(function() { 
    // cycle to the corresponding slide 

    $(".home_buttons input").removeClass('selected');

    return false; 