+3  A: 

Your first option doesn't use object notation. If you want to use object notation, you could write something like this:

function MyLittleHouse(name) {
    var age = 88;
    age += 20;
    return {
        getName: function() {
            return name;

This has the advantage of not using this, which means you avoid any issues with the binding of this. It also hides age and name, which may or may not be desirable -- as it stands, there's no way for age to be accessed, while name is immutable since it can only be read via getName. If you want to expose age as a normal field:

function MyLittleHouse(name) {
    var age = 88;
    age += 20;
    return {
        age: age,
        getName: function() {
            return name;
Michael Williamson
Michael, great answer! Far better then my very buggy question! Indeed I am dealing with all those "this" troubles. This will help me big time... Plus I like the "config object" colon-Style...